Since the commencement of this year, so many opportunities have arisen, not always profit-making, but fabulous none the less. I have been thinking that now is the time to gather as much free training and work/travel opportunities that are available to the under 30's before it is too late. From The Genesis Young Director's program to Catch 22's Journalism course, Stronglinx projects for free cultural excursions to a multitude of acting opportunities: I am up for them all. The strange thing is that, since I began to shape and sculpt the shape of my year, all these other things have cropped up and these 'things' are in a particular realm: Performance.
I made a decision late last year to allow myself the privilege of exploring all of the facets of my interests and to not worry about the confusion this will cause others in how I am perceived professionally. I simply love literature in all its forms, as well as acting, directing, social development and activism. Angela Davies, Maya Angelou to name a couple of my inspirations are all of these things: why not I too? However, strangely, as soon as this concept had settled into my consciousness, I found that audition after audition started flooding in. Moreover, these were not normal bit part auditions that come up, these are for fully-fledged regular parts in teevision, lead roles in films and meetings for superb, culturally-potent, theatre productions.
Why is it that when you are ready for something else, the acting potential bowls in the lure you back into the fold? And it seems the more confident you are about your other goings-on, the acting possibilities raise their game so that you simply cannot ignore the fabulousness of the ventures. A brilliant bummer.
I am determined to remain focussed on gathering professional mettle to strike out in a variety of ways, whilst remaining devoted to working on my craft. My agent calls me Delboy. Being from Peckham; in terms of location this is a fairly accurate nickname. However, I am not sure whether I like it or not. Is being a multi-faceted professional too 'wheeler dealer like? Am I asking for too much? How many things are we able to explore before are labelled 'Jack of all Trades and Master of None'?
I also have a part-time job, which is contract-based, for a year with possibilities of renewal. BTW, the contract ends at the end of March and their is no sign of a verdict, as yet, based on funding. If I am made an acting offer, do I take it only for the gig to end a few months later and then be officially unemployed? Or do I do the 'sensible' thing and refuse all possibilities until my post is secure (if ever)?
Oh Gosh.
Questions from a determined young woman.
Party Dress
6 years ago
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